主, 耶穌基督袮為愛我, 充滿慈善仁
愛, 晝夜持續居住在這聖事內。凡是到袮
台前朝拜袮的, 袮都等候, 召喚和接待他
們。我堅信袮臨在祭台上的聖事內, 我由
我虛無的深淵裡朝拜袮, 感謝袮所賞的恩
惠, 另外感謝袮在這聖事內將袮自己賞給
我, 並將袮的至聖母親- – – 瑪利亞賜給我作
中保, 且召叫我到聖堂來問候袮。



〈三〉袮在天下聖堂的聖體內, 少受尊敬, 多遭遺棄, 我願藉這

我後悔我以前曾多次得罪袮。我如今立志, 在袮助祐下再不
傷袮的聖心, 現在, 我不拘怎樣可憐, 也把我整個地奉獻給袮,
整個地交給袮, 並克制我的一切意願、情感、希望和一切事物。
自今以後, 請使我和我的一切都為中悅袮。我什麼也不求, 也不
願, 只願求袮那神聖的愛而堅定於善, 恆心到底, 並完善地承行

我把煉獄中受苦的靈魂託付給袮, 另外把那些敬愛聖體、孝
愛聖母的靈魂, 還有一切可憐的罪人都託付給袮。最後, 我的救
世主, 請把我這一切善願與袮至愛聖心的情感結合在一起, 這樣
結合的愛情都奉獻給袮永遠的聖父,因袮的名懇求祂, 而接納並

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus
During Eucharist Adoration
My Lord Jesus Christ who, because of your
immense love for humanity, remain day and
night in this Sacrament, awaiting, calling, and
welcoming all those who come to visit you, I
believe that you are present here, I adore you in
the abyss of my nothingness, and I thank you for
having given yourself to me in this Sacrament,
for having given me your Most Holy Mother Mary,
as my advocate, and for having called me to visit
you in this church.

Today greet your beloved heart, and I intend to greet it for three

Firstly, in thanksgiving for this great gift.

Secondly, to makeamends for all the offences which you receive in this Sacrament.
Thirdly, I intend in this visit to adore you in all the places of the earth
where you are most abandoned.

My Jesus, I love you with all my heart. I repent for having so often
offended your infinite goodness. With your grace, I resolve never to
offend you again in the future; and at present, unworthy as I am, I
consecrate myself entirely to you, I give you my affections and
everything I possess. From this day on, do with me all that you please.
I ask only for your holy love, for perseverance to the end of my life and
for the perfect fulfillment of your will. I commend to you the souls of
Purgatory, especially all those most devoted to the Blessed Sacrament
and to Mary Most Holy I commend to you all poor sinners. I unite all my
feelings to those of your most beloved heart, and thus united, I offer
them to your eternal Father and I pray to him to accept them and to
satisfy them out of love for you. Amen.

If this prayer is recited before the Blessed Sacrament, an indulgence of five years is
granted. A plenary indulgence is obtained if the prayer is recited once a month for the
Pope’s intentions, after having confessed one’s sins and received Holy Communion.