
2011年4月10日 Meeting Fr. Wan & Fr. Kong in Hong Kong

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1991 June 18 湯漢神父晉鐸廿五週年

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1982-1993 and misc

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1988-1992 and misc

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1990 聖母無原罪主教座堂

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1980-1990 and misc

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1979-1990 and misc

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1982-1990 and misc

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1981-1992 and misc

1991-1993 中西區老人嘉年華、聖瑪利安老院 & misc

1991 Oct 1 聖神修院鑽慶 A

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1991 Oct 1 聖神修院鑽慶 B

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1991 Oct 2 聖神修院鑽慶 C

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1991 Oct 3 聖神修院鑽慶 D

1991 Oct 3 珍寶海鮮舫

19xx Catholic Cathedral and Korea trip

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1989-1994 尹神父晉鐸廿五、卅週年


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1981-1991 Misc

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198x 林家駿主教晉牧九週年

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1996 Sept 駱鏗祥神父晉鐸銀禧誌慶

1993-2001 Misc

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1994 Nov18 教區司鐸避靜

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1981-1990 Wedding

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2005 Mimi and Victor Chan

1977 Mary and Mr Tse

1973-1988 Wedding

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1982 聖貞德學校、女聖體會、聖若瑟會、聖言宣讀會、輔祭會

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1983 聖貞德學校 & Misc

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1986-1989 Mar 24

1993 Oct 16 韓國大邱天主教斗山聖堂

1993 Sept 7 灣仔聖衣堂追思程野聲神父四十週年

1994 -2000 and Misc

1994 March 19 林天助主教追思彌撒大典

1996 滿地可中華天主堂

19xx Ignatius Cheuk-Wai Lo

1980 香港聖母孝女會聯會

19xx 公教報學生文壇徵文比賽頒獎典禮暨迎新大會

1984-2008 Misc

2010 June 29-July 5 加國海洋三省七日遊

1990-1991 聖貞德學校35週年慶典

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1993 July 10-11 慶祝香港明愛成立四十週年劉劍青女士義賣畫展

1993 April 1 積極人生教師學習日

1991-1993 and Misc

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1987-1988 July 11 聖貞德學校

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1988-1991 聖貞德學校、歡迎主教代表梁祐忠神父 & misc

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1993 Aug 6 曹立珊神父暨嗚遠留台校友

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