中譯:葉少玲 Date of Sharing: June 23, 2011 8:15 a.m. 聖母特別地邀請我們去參與彌撒。聖母說:「親愛的孩子,讓彌撒聖祭作你們生活的中心。」有一次,我們跟聖母在一起,聖母對我們說:「親愛的孩子,如果你們要在到我這裏來見我,和去參與彌撒之間作出選擇,不要,不要來我這裏,你們要去參與彌撒聖祭,因為,參與彌撒聖祭的意思就是去跟在彌撒中交付了自己的耶穌見面,去把自己交給耶穌,向祂打開自己,領受祂。」...
中譯:葉少玲 Date of Sharing: June 23, 2011 8:15 a.m. 母親來我們這裏,她想我們好,她想幫助我們,她想指出為我們沒有好處的事物,她想為我們指出一條新道路,一條通往平安與和平的道路,通往她的聖子的道路。她來我們這裏,是要鼓勵我們,是要安慰我們,是要醫治我們,是要除去我們的痛楚,是要包紮我們的傷口,她充滿愛,充滿溫柔,充滿母親的溫情。她要帶領我們,帶領我們前往她的聖子那裏去,只有在她的聖子內,才是我們唯一的真正平安。...
中譯:葉少玲 Date of Sharing: June 23, 2011 8:15 a.m. 親愛的主内朋友,親愛的朝聖者,在這聚會的開始,我的心靈深處很渴望去接觸你們每一位,我很想在這彼此共聚的早上,短短的時光中,跟你們分享幾件最重要的事情,三十年來,我們的母親一直相邀的幾件事,她是和平之后。我的措辭很簡單,就像聖母對我們說話時一樣。 嗯,正如我說,聖母跟我們同在已經三十年了。三十年的恩寵!...
There was an inexplicable computer miracle that took place at my home over ten years ago. My wife is Halina. Both she and I write religious articles on Fr. Wan’s website. I write in English and she writes in Chinese. Halina was injured in a terrible traffic accident...
Oct 7, 2009 Dear Father Wan, In response to your wishes for my comments on Medjugorje, let me say how blessed we are to experience Mary’s constant vigilance over us. Throughout the past many years our Blessed Mother has continued to visit, warn and encourage us in...
Medjugorje is again in the center of attention, church and public as well. Though the visit of Cardinal Shonborn is private, it did not leave anybody indifferent because he is the member of Congregation for Doctrine of Faith. We talked to Cardinal while he was...
Recalling that his interest in Medjugorje dates back to the 1980s, when Viennese Dominicans were associated with a Medjugorje prayer circle, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has told an Austrian Catholic newspaper that “without anticipating a definitive Church judgment, I...
“Dear brothers and sisters here in the Church and on the squares in front of the church and in the yellow hall. We are all conscious of the fact that it is a big privilege to not have to celebrate the New Year with champagne.” The crowd laughed, and the Cardinal added...
公教報較早時報導了一名曾在默主哥耶服務的華釋神父 (Fr. T. Vlasic) 被教廷免除司鐸職務,而引致一些人士乘机大做文章,借机大肆攻擊默主哥耶顯現事件。 默主哥耶顯現事件發生於1981年。顯現至今仍繼續進行,曾往該地朝聖者數以百萬計,當中包括不少樞機、主教、司鐸等。筆者一位克羅地亞裔舊同事往默主哥耶渡蜜月,我問她對默主哥耶的感受,她簡單的以六個字回答:「Everybody was praying. Everybody was crying. 」祇是簡單的六個字,便把默主哥耶懺悔與祈禱的精神,表露無遺。 ...
Introduction Five years ago a fellow Catholic introduced Medjugorje to me, but I paid no attention to it. Three years ago another Catholic talked to me about Medjugorje, he said he had been there three times, and he added that the trips to Medjugorje changed...